Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

Reflecting back on the past year is something Blaine usually does with me in the beginning of the new year.  I thought I would get a jump start in anticipation of his questioning and think on my top 5 moments of 2008.

1. Having a family of my own.  I have longed for a loving family of my own through all the years of babysitting and caring for the other families in my life.  To hold my very own baby girl, and to see her daddy smile upon her with such a strong and powerful love.... well it is amazing.  I pray each night to our God in thanksgiving of another amazing day - a gift of one more day - and I ask for just one more tomorrow.  It is a time when I feel God so strongly teaching me about His own love for me - a love that I do not feel I deserve, and have difficulty understanding.  

2. Yvonne Gray.  She is my workout partner/therapist.  She has listened to my complaining, whining, and absolute joyful story telling through the years as we work out our bodies and our emotions.  Without her I would NEVER get up at the crack of dawn to run 6 miles in the dark and the rain.  Without her I would NEVER have trained for the half-marathon.  I owe my slightly normal mental state and my rockin' after-baby new bod to my dear friend Yvonne.  She rules.

3. Living close enough to my family.  I have a giant family.  I have a dysfunctional family.  I have a scattered-around-the-globe family.  I have a passionate family.  I really love them all, but we are so far away.  I am thankful to have been able to see my nieces and nephews every chance I get. I hope to be able to visit Amanda and Amy while they are abroad.  No offense Amy, buy I may wait until you get to sunny Hawaii!!  

4.  Taking the big leap to quit my career and become a stay-at-home-mom.  Although it was so tough to make the decision (selfishly wanting the best of both worlds), I cannot imagine another day without my little girl under my very own strict tutillage (sp?).  I want to give her the very best this world has to offer, and I know that is TIME.  High five SAHMs.... hello MOPS... and more time for MAMBI...

5.  Buying expensive jeans.  It may become a narcotic-type addiction.  I am telling you, people - you get what you pay for.  Even if it makes you pass out to write the check. 

Now, that is looking back.  See me next week for resolutions.  They may include the words tri-, clean, and six-pack.  That's all I'm sayin....


Friday, November 28, 2008

Hola people

"need new camera"

Hello.  Will post more later.  Just some blurry photos of an adorable little munchkin.

**NOTE: That yellow thing Jane is chewing on is a resistance cord.  We used them for strength training in my "Time for Me" mommy/baby stroller exercise class this fall.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

She's Going The Distance

(no, i am not in the photo)

(yes, that is pouring rain in the background)

("my mommy is not a quitter")

Sunday, November 9th - I ran the Big Sur Half Marathon on the Monterey Bay with my workout partner Yvonne.  I still can't believe it is finally over.  

Rewind to July of 2005 when I asked this stay-at-home mom I met at the pool if she wanted to work out with me sometime.  Eventually, she agreed.  We began to work out occasionally, and then regularly.  She has two daughters, so we worked around her schedule.  When she went back to work we adjusted our workout time to 5:15 am.  Three days a week, people.  

Then, I got pregnant.  We kept on working out.  In fact, it was either the morning of, or the morning prior to, the night I went into labor that we worked out for the last time.  At 7 weeks old, I left sleeping Jane and sleeping Blaine to begin the process of "losing baby weight". 

It was sometime in there that my sister-in-laws were signing up to run the Nike Women's Half-Marathon in SF.  Did I want to do it?  Not really.  However, Yvonne and I signed up with them. Due to some registration mistake on my part, I was the only member of the group that did not get in.  Sooooo.... I piggybacked on Marie's goal of running the Big Sur.  

Back to present day: Blaine was to be hunting in Colorado the date of the race, so I asked the Serrano family to come for a visit and babysit Jane during the race.  They are the bomb, so of course they agreed.  

Blaine just happened to come home early from his trip because of bad weather and no bucks, so he was home to enjoy the "triplets", a small lasagne dinner, and braving the bad weather in Monterey after the race.

Yvonne drove us to the race in the morning.  We had to arrive super early to get a parking spot before they closed off the streets.  That's when I started to get nervous.  or maybe it was the 4 times I woke up throughout the night.  or maybe it was all that water I drank on the drive.  

The run went pretty well!  My two goals: run the whole thing, and finish in 2 hours 15 minutes - were both met!!  Our finish time was 2:11, and we kept that 10 minute pace up the entire race (even faster in the last couple of miles ;).  The weather was cool, with some sprinkling at the race start, but was totally manageable - yea for cheap pink gloves!!!

Approaching the finish line, I heard "Stacey rules!" (or something like that) and turned to see Dean on the left side with Delaney in a baby back carrier.  So, we sprinted through the finish line, entered the cattle herd of finishers, and tried to find my family.  Then, the rain really let go.  It was pouring so hard, and so darn cold, that we didn't check out any of the post-race party.  Instead, I saw Jodi, Dean, Delaney, Emelyn, and Jane - all with shirts that read "Mommy/Aunt Stacey/My sister... is not a quitter".  I started tearing up and smiling like crazy.  
How awesome are those Serranos, anyway?

So, we all (except Yvonne who went to be with her family) met the Costa family {(The dad, David ran the race in 1:52!!!) - Melissa their daughter babysits jane once in a while} at California Pizza Kitchen.  Kylie, Jason, Madison, Joseph, and Griffin met us there, too.  As we started to eat my Dad and Cheryl even stopped in to congratulate us!  

It was a fantastic day made super special by my supportive family.

And, Yvonne still rules more than me, because she has done the WHOLE San Francisco Marathon before.  Yes, that's right people.  She is the bomb.  Without her, ain't no way I would ever run 13.1...... or even 3.1 for that matter.

For more photos of the race day, check out Dean Serrano's blog (there's a link on the right).

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

"The beginning is always today"

quote by Mary Wollstonecraft.

OK, so my sister pointed out that my blog has not been updated for a while.  I guess she forgot what Jane looked like. 

Soooooo..... she also wants me to announce to the two or three people who read this blog that I am retiring, as of the end of this year.  Starting January first it is all bon-bons, oprah, and teased hair (a la Peggy Bundy).  Me and Jane all the way, baby.

However, this is one of the easiest and most difficult decisions I have made in my not-as-short-as-it-used-to-be life.  I really like being the boss.  I really like work challenges.  I really like making a difference in my community.  I really like calling the shots.  I really like being the boss (oh, I already said that one didn't I).  On the other hand, the babysitter sees Jane more than I do during the week.  I do not really know what happens at the babysitter all of those hours.  I do not like that.  I do not like that I was at a board meeting when Jane crawled for the first time.  I do not like someone else raising my girl.  I do not like missing out on the very best thing in this whole world: my family.

Just look at this ragamuffin:
Photo taken just before this post.

Here is a photo of Jane wondering why my phone is talking.  
She then picked up the phone, screeched, and hung up on Aunt Jodi.  How rude.

September 19, 2008
9 months old

January 9, 2008
3 weeks old

These weeks and months are just slipping by - just like everyone said they would - and I don't want to miss another moment.  

But, it will be hard for me to give up power, feel unimportant, and of course not make any moo-lah.  

No doubt in my mind it is the very best decision.  

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Lots of changes around here:

1. New nickname: snaggletooth. This is due to her rather interesting new tooth: it appears to be her upper right eye tooth. She only has the other two bottom ones (they are perfectly normal looking). Don't get me wrong, she is as cute as ever... No. She is actually cuter with her little snaggletooth.>

2. Crawling. Just started this on August 11th. I was a bad mother attending a board meeting for work. I was ssooooo disappointed to read Blaine's text stating "guess who can crawl?". Devastated would be more accurate.

3. Pulling herself up onto things. The dishwasher, the couch, the coffee table, and my legs are the most popular choices for her to pull up on. She first would pull herself up, look around excitedly, then grow bored and want to get down.... but couldn't figure it out. it was hilarious. Now she has figured it out & quickly alternates between the couch and the coffee table with a cute little thud on her butt in between.

1. Hunting. Is this a change? No. just the hunting season changes. Monday it was doves. Yes, the bird of peace. Shot down. By Blaine. 10 of them. They taste like chicken. Teeny tiny mini chickens.
2. Work. This is also not a change. Except his responsibilities are changing and increasing. He becomes the full-fledged Salinas branch manager at the end of the year, and is learning lots of new things.
3. Working on the Rhino (his atv golf cart-ish thing).  New lights, new racks, new exhaust, new muffler.... and this was SUCH a bargain (dry cough inserted here).

1. Researching a retail business opportunity.  Maternity, nursing, baby gear.  Sound great?  Let me know, we may need investors :)
2. Work.  Coaching swim team, roping jello, and trying to expand the Recreation District.  It rules.
3. Vegas.  This is actually an extension of number 1: researching at the ABC kids trade show next week in vegas: GO BLACK 13!!!
4. Trying to be the best mom ever.  This is difficult people. My little girl is growing up right before my eyes.
5. Training for the Big Sur HALF marathon in November.  Holy crap that is soon!  We have done an average of 10-12 miles per week, and completed our second 8 miler this past sunday!  BIG accomplishment!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Couldn't leave off without noting how freakin cute my little girl is...

Posing for a morning photo shoot
July 10, 2008

Dressed in pink camo to help her dad get his new toy: Yamaha Rhino
July 12, 2008

Lovin' hanging out with her big brother, Sky
July 14, 2008

Oh, yeah... I rule!

More acurately: WE rule.

Yes, that's right.

Studly Yvonne and Super Stacey completed the Los Gatos Jungle Run 10k while all you lazy butts were sleeping in past 4:15 (our Soledad wake up time) on Sunday morning.

Yvonne is Studly Yvonne because this was no thang for her amazingness.  She has completed a FULL MARATHON before.  Yes, you read that correctly: a full 26.2 mile torturingly long time of running her little heart out.

Me, on the other hand, am aptly named Super Stacey due to the super human strength it took for me to complete the 6.2 painstaking miles up and down the hills in Los Gatos.  It was my first time.  

Although I am Super, I was disappointed with my time.  I wanted to complete the race in 1 hour.  My chip time was about 1 hour, 2 1/2 minutes.  Oh well, next time.

And there will be a next time.  

We are training for the 1/2 marathon this fall: she is doing the Nike women's half-marathon in SF in October, and I am doing the Big Sur 1/2 marathon in November.  

You can, too.  Trust me, if I can do it, anyone can.

Good Luck!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

just some July fun...

Fourth of July: watching fireworks

Blaine: fighting the rapids in Yosemite

The cutest kid in the word: posing with her cousins.
July 7, 2008

We have had an eventful July: 

July 5-8 we stayed in Wawona (Yosemite) with Blaine's family.  We mostly ate and swam in the "rapids" with all the kids.  Blaine's sister Amanda & I ran 3 miles that were HARD and totally hilly.  Blaine was able to relax, and Jane had super fun times with her cousins.

July 11th Blaine bought his dream toy: a Yamaha Rhino (it is  like a quad mixed with a golf cart in CAMO).  We went out today to joy ride it around my dad's house.

July 14th: JURY DUTY!! Oh, yes.  That's right.  Every two years I get called up, and for the first time ever I actually have to go to the court house.  And, it is a day that I am supposed to have Jane and work from home.  Bummer.  Hopefully it is exciting.

July 20th: driving to Bass Lake, towing the new (to us) Rhino: it is going to be............


Friday, June 27, 2008

The Perfect Storm

June 19, 2008
6 months old

June 19, 2008
6 months old

June 24, 2007
Nose Bubbles: gotta love 'em

I am sure none of your kids are quite as talented as mine: nose bubbles are a tricky thing.  I mean, first you have to be really congested.  Then you have to be dazed and confused from waking up al night not being able to breathe.  And even still you must sneeze strongly enough to eject all that mucos.  It is like the perfect storm.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

6 months + 3 days = 1 tooth

Cousin Elsie & Jane at the cabin

June 7, 2008

May 14, 2008

Over this past weekend Jane developed an increasingly stuffed up nose.  It woke her (read: us) up a bunch of times throughout the nights.  In an attempt to pack light I left the diaper bag at home: no nasal aspirator! Twice, in the middle of the night, I took a steam shower with Jane to attempt to clear up her congestion. Poor little snotty girl.

On our return trip (from Mendocino county) on Sunday I felt the source of all the commotion: a tiny tooth poking through her gums on the lower left front side! One down, twenty-seven to go!


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Dean's Awesome photos

If you haven't checked out Dean (my brother-in-law)'s awesome photography skills yet, go to his blog (listed at right).  He took these amazing photos of Jane and Blaine the night before Blaine's birthday party.

Of course Jane is doing well, and sleeping through the night again!  (She had a couple of rough nights a week or so ago).  We are just getting ready to hit the road up to Sacramento tomorrow.  I have another Special District's class on Friday all day.  Dean will be babysitting "the triplets" that day.  Afterwards, Jane & I will jump right back into the car to rush home to prepare for the Soledad Rec Girls Softball closing day and BBQ (sliced tri-tip sandwich anyone?).  

It will be a crazy couple of days.  Based on my last few, however, it may just be a breeze.  **Sorry Marie for not making it down to the restaurant tonight**


Friday, May 2, 2008

all that and a bag of firecrackers

Three sleeping babies.

I was just thinking of a funny story: something that happened while we were at the UC Davis Picnic Day with Jodi and Dean.

We were walking around campus, fervently (me and Dean) attempting to get to the weiner dog races when Jodi decided to stop and take a look through one of the school greenhouses.  We barely walked into the door when a young college girl asked me something I could not understand.  I asked her to repeat it.  "Can your baby play with firecrackers?"  Of course, I thought I mis-heard her and again asked her to repeat it.  "Um, can your baby play with firecrackers?"  

I replied, "um, NO."  As I walked away, I half-turn to Jodi and give her one of those are-you-freaking-kidding-me-was-that-for-real looks.

It was great.  

I am pretty sure she was using her botannical skills on more than just orchids - if you know what I mean.

Jane's first food

I any of you readers know the STORY OF THE GREAT PEA WAR between my mother and me you'll wonder why peas were my first choice for Jane's first "solid" food.  Well, for 'babies with potential food allergies' they recommend starting with vegetables.  And, there were only 2 choices for stage 1 baby food with just vegetables at our lovely grocery store.  So yea for crappy Foods Co, and hello PEAS.

Friday, April 25, 2008

P.S. - Yvonne: I ran 2 times!

See you Monday, bright and early!

Live from Serrano Land

Photo taken just moments ago.


Jane, Delaney, and Emelyn

Emelyn & Delaney

Jane on Tuesday (4/22)

Jane on Wednesday (4/23)

Reporting from Sacramento.

Jane and I have been here at Jodi & Dean's house since last Thursday around 5pm. We drove up via 680 in order to drop off the Soledad Pool vacuum in Concord for repair. We got out and talked to Abe there at Lincoln Equipment. I see him every 6-12 months, so when he last saw me - I was pregnant!

Upon arriving, we gave big hugs to the twinsies and planned for the next 9 days. Friday I attended a class for Special Districts, so Jodi was going to have the "triplets". I had printed out a map to the class before leaving work on Thursday, and the class was only 4 miles from Jodi's house! I didn't even have to go onto the highway. So, I was able to come home for lunch and hang out with everyone. Jodi was doing fine. In fact, she was even walking with them at the big park across from her house when I got home: two in the double stroller and one in the bjorn!

Over the weekend we attended the UC Davis Picnic Day, ate at Chick-fil-a (a family favorite), hung out in the nursery at church, and made my first trip through Super Walmart. It was so much fun hanging out with Jodi, Dean, and the girls. They are relaxed people and confident parents.

Monday AM began my baby boot camp. And I've got to tell you - it is a lot easier than it sounds! Three babies is actually kind of fun: they stay put when you leave them, and are entranced by the light through mini-blinds. The little girls cry more than Jane, but I think they have some gas issues. Poor little girls. They all are very alert and smile when you interact with them.

As the whole family closes any communication.... : We can't wait for Bass Lake this summer! All the cousins in one place will be super fun. We are all totally looking forward to the tradition that my mom began for us: family time at the lake. They are some of my fondest memories. Thanks, Mom.

One more day here in Sac-town. Tomorrow morning Jane and I will saddle up the Explorer and hit the trail. WE miss you a lot (a TON) Blaine/Dad!! We look forward to seeing you tomorrow!!!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Life is GOOD!

April 6, 2008
Jane and Dad

April 6, 2008
Soundly Sleeping

Life is good.  I just emailed my sister Amanda & that is her email address.  I love it.  It suggests that her choice is to be optimistic.  Even when the boys are both crying or pooping or making a mess.... or all of the above at the same time!  

I have a real hard time with making that decision: to say that life is good.  How is that possible?  Can you see the beautiful face of my little girl?  Did you notice that I am not wasting away for want of food or shelter?  Am I really lucky enough to boast my great job, house, husband, dog, kid, friends, family.....?  How could I possibly not believe that life is good every day?!

At church on Sunday, the pastor said that, although we cannot choose what comes our way, we have "the privilege" to make choices to stop any hurts coming FROM us.  Poignant.  This message came during a time of great struggle for me.  It was perfect.  

You could say it was a message from God.

Now, I must choose to allow it to sink in.  To reflect upon my responsibilities in relationships and retaliation.  It has been a topic heavy on my mind lately.  I have a real hard time with being rubber - you know, always trying to bounce that hurt right back in the direction it came from.  Problem is that I am more glue-like that I think & the hurt just sticks to me even harder.

So, I am going to take a deep breath and take it one hurt at a time.  I will try my darndest to move on and decide what I will allow to 'bounce' off of me.  Needless to say, I will need some help here.  If you get a chance, please pray for me and this deep struggle I have.  I would really appreciate it.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Yes, that is correct.  i am now a Mac user.  Sorry PC, but your boring plaid shirts and ties in your commercials just couldn't attract me.  Mac has much cooler hair.  Plus, my sister Jodi digs you, and she & i are the only two sisters who haven't really shared a crush yet.  

So, goodbye PC.  You were good to me.  I will visit you at work.  But Mac gets to come home with me.  

Sunday, March 30, 2008


January 6, 2008
almost 3 weeks old

January 21, 2008
one month old
March 17, 2008
almost 3 months old

You all warned me it would go by too fast.
You all said, "take it day by day".
You all said I wouldn't want to miss a moment.
You all were right!
Look at the difference just two months makes! jane is now 3 months old and alert, talkative, and inquisitive. She has recently found a new toy: her thumb. She enjoys sucking on her thumb and her whole fist, too. She has started to laugh: it is more like a little giggle that takes her by surprise, because she startles herself when she does it. She makes all different gurgling sounds, and sometimes I swear she is talking to me. So I sit and talk back.
Oh, my eyes are filling with tears of love even as I write this while she naps. She is such a joy for both of us.
Did I mention that I LOVE the book "on becoming babywise"? We had to struggle to keep Jane awake after eating, but only for the first week or so. She was a pretty good sleeper, but would fuss a lot at night when I tried to put her down: I was trying to rock her and walk with her to get her to sleep. But, since 6 weeks we've just let her cry herself to sleep in her own crib. She took to it right away, and now she rarely cries herself to sleep! She actually prefers to be in her crib or stroller to fall asleep: when we are out and I am trying to get her to sleep by rocking her in my arms, it takes forever & she is all fussy.
The 8.5 hours of uninterrupted sleep I got last night was heavenly. She has pretty much been sleeping through the night (sometimes she wakes up and talks to herself, but I don't go get her or feed her in the middle of the night) for 3 weeks now.
Now, my next big parenting task will be making it through teething. I understand that the whole sleeping thing gets all interrupted then. But for now I will cherish the full night's sleep I haven't had since before getting pregnant last year!
P.S. Bergholz Family: thanks so much for your comments. Jenn, you made me cry! Call me sometime so we can get together!