Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Flying into the eye of the hurricane... or, Tuesday TOP 13!

Tomorrow, the kids & I depart for North Carolina.

"But wait, isn't there a hurricane a-brewing in North Carolina?", you ask.

Why yes, there is.

But there are bigger fish to fry than a weenie little stage 3 or 4 hurricane. There was also an earthquake.


No, no. I am off to North Carolina to babysit my nephews Trevor & Parker while their mom & dad fly to China to pick up their sister Katelyn!!! Isn't this amazing news?!

In honor of meeting my mom's 13th grandchild soon (and me needing a little positivity today), I am posting a TOP 13!!!!


  1. Me. That's right. Who's #1 baby?! I am healthy physically (no one said anything about mentally). I am blessed beyond measure: food every day, always clothes to wear, a roof over my head, and some beautiful hardwood floors under my feet. Totally blessed.
  2. Blaine. He is faithful, a hard-worker, and excellent cook, fabulous provider, lights up Clark's little face, and reads Jane the Jesus Storybook Bible each night (even last night when the power was out - with a headlamp!).
  3. Jane & Clark, Clark & Jane. Adorable, healthy, smiley. Oh, and adorable.
  4. Yvonne. She is my workout partner. (aka my free therapist) She motivates me, encourages me, listens to me, and is simply rad.
  5. (#5-10) My siblings. sorry guys, not gonna rank you. I love you all! Actually, I only love the ones who read this blog. I'm totally safe to say that - since whomever reads this will receive my love!! Mwuahaha!! We are so blessed to have shared our experiences with each other and have each other to lean on (and off sometimes as it so happens) through our ups and downs.
  6. (11) My parents. They did what they could with 6 (SIX!?!!) kids. That is wild & amazing. We learned manners, common sense (most of us ;) - again: only blog readers), and in my case how to fly - in more ways than one!
  7. (12) My sisters (& mothers) in Christ. You know who you are! You have prayed for me, rallied behind me, and given me the what-for. I appreciate it. I do not wish to be a fool, but instead be a wise woman who - when the light is shined on me and tough truth revealed to me - adjusts myself to the truth. I want to be that kind of woman. You are helping me to be her.
  8. (13) Stormie O'Martian. Oh lady, you wrote this terrible little book that is very difficult to read! I wanted to learn how to have an easy marriage, and you made me start by praying that God would change ME! Might I actually finish reading your wise words this time. Thanks for being straightforward. I totally need it.

Ah, I feel more positive already,
the wicked witch of the West

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Where the **bleep** we've been...

Even though I haven't blogged in forever, I have been living.
Here are some things I've done:

Today was Jane's first day of school. Spanish Immersion Preschool at Lincoln School. She was super excited, as you can tell by her face in this photo...

I ran the Salinas Valley Half Marathon. It was brutal. Hills. Ouch. Yvonne stuck with me even though she could've gone faster for sure. Our time of 2:17 was slower than the last time, but I AM still alive, so I'll be grateful for that!

We spent a week at Bass Lake. ELEVEN kids, one house, lots of mayhem.

Clark is seriously crawling. So proud/so scared.

Amy & Brad & family stayed with us for a couple nights. We went to the beach in Monterey on one of the rarest of rares: an amazingly beautiful & hot day!

We got all gussy'ed up in blingy/fringy trick rider costumes (Jane & Clark) for the Kiddie Kapers parade. I painted the 101 sign. Another rare beautiful day!

Jane got cuter, taller, and more sassy.

Clark got chubbier, cuter, and more sweet.

We laughed, we cried, we loved each other!

And we went Berry Picking in Watsonville.

Whew. I'm almost done with my 12 on the 12th pages, too.

Watch out world! Thank you for naps and preschool!!!

Missed ya,