Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Tomorrow is the big day!

Hola people!

So tomorrow is the big ultrasound-to-find-out-the-sex-of-the-baby day!

Here's my thoughts on boy or girl:

I think it will be a boy. Or do I just hope for a boy? Who knows? I just always imagined myself as a mom to 3 or 4 boys. Maybe it is just to make up for my life full of girls/women. Lord knows I have enough girl drama in my life as it is. Girls are just so much drama - I should know, because I am one! There is always hurt feelings and major overtures. Boys just get mad then move on with life. That's one thing I envy Blaine. We fight and he's totally fine in the morning. I am the one who stews and doesn't sleep all night.

So that's that. I'm scared my daugter will be just like me! But, that pretty much guarantees that God wants me to grow through the experience of being mom to a girl.

Blaine thinks it will be a girl. His reasons for everything are much more simple: he just thinks it.

(see how boys are easier than girls?)

We'll update everyone tomorrow.

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