Friday, June 11, 2010

Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

Just in case I was imagining things.

Which I am NOT.

Here are some photos of me & my 16 week/5 day pregnant belly.

These were all taken yesterday.

Seriously. One day.




Now, on a normal day I grow from 4 months to 8 months in appearance. yesterday was an anomaly since I didn't eat any really big meals. But after that last picture I ate two slices of toasted, buttered monkey cinnamon bread. It was seriously good.

BUT, if I keep this up - those jeans are not going to fit for long.


All this talk about food is making me hungry.



Amanda Evans said...

Time to buy prego 7 jeans! You look cute!

Team Hayes said...

That fancy camera doesn't have a self timer, so we can see your pretty face?

robin said...

if i had that cute of a pregnant belly i would have been taking pictures of it all day just like you...

Amanda, Brian, & Chase Robert said...

Adorable little baby belly!!! Hilarious blog!

Amanda, Brian, & Chase Robert said...
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Sarah said...

Are those your pre-pregnancy jeans still? I am hoping mine will fit for that long! You look great! What is your "official" due date?