Monday, October 11, 2010


Bottles of beer on the wall...

Just joshin'

Wednesday is actually my birthday. My THIRTY-FIRST birthday to be exact. It feels weird to say the least. Weird because I still feel pretty spunky and cool and UN-thirty-one. Weird because that number is the inverse of the date of my birth: the 13th. Weird because I really don't care! Weird because, although I want-want-want all year long, I always have a hard time answering my husband's request for what I want for a gift!

The fact is I am extremely blessed. I have more than enough for me. More than enough for my whole family.

  • I worry about overeating the vast amounts of food available to me rather than starving.
  • I complain about sweeping these danged floors every day rather than appreciating having floors.
  • I worry about wearing the same thing over and over again rather than not having anything to wear at all.
  • I b*%$# & moan about being uncomfortable and fat-pregnant rather than being grateful for having a (GIANT) healthy kid growing in there.


What's that you say?

Stop complaining and start celebrating?!


WOO-HOO!! I'm gonna be THIRTY-ONE!

Older & Wiser soon,


Bob lehcror said...

Congrats on baby and birthday!
But go eat more baby needs it who gives a rats if you're eating for two

Amanda Evans said...

Dude, where is the Fatty Belly Shot??? :-)