Friday, May 2, 2008

all that and a bag of firecrackers

Three sleeping babies.

I was just thinking of a funny story: something that happened while we were at the UC Davis Picnic Day with Jodi and Dean.

We were walking around campus, fervently (me and Dean) attempting to get to the weiner dog races when Jodi decided to stop and take a look through one of the school greenhouses.  We barely walked into the door when a young college girl asked me something I could not understand.  I asked her to repeat it.  "Can your baby play with firecrackers?"  Of course, I thought I mis-heard her and again asked her to repeat it.  "Um, can your baby play with firecrackers?"  

I replied, "um, NO."  As I walked away, I half-turn to Jodi and give her one of those are-you-freaking-kidding-me-was-that-for-real looks.

It was great.  

I am pretty sure she was using her botannical skills on more than just orchids - if you know what I mean.

Jane's first food

I any of you readers know the STORY OF THE GREAT PEA WAR between my mother and me you'll wonder why peas were my first choice for Jane's first "solid" food.  Well, for 'babies with potential food allergies' they recommend starting with vegetables.  And, there were only 2 choices for stage 1 baby food with just vegetables at our lovely grocery store.  So yea for crappy Foods Co, and hello PEAS.


Anonymous said...

I don't know what you are so stressed out about! I let Macy and Austin play with fireworks all the time. Matches too!

Katie said...

Oh my Solid Food already!!! Yieks where is the time going?

Anonymous said...

Maybe "firecrackers" are a species of rare orchid. There are actually flowers with the following names:

elastic momo
flaming iris
goats rue
king's spear
horn beam
pheasant's eye
toad flax
wild service
and (my favorite)

If I asked you, "can your daughter play with (insert any of the above plant names here?" What would you be saying about me?

This has been Aunt Amy reminding you not to be so quick to judge, yet aware that this chick probably was high on something.
