Saturday, December 10, 2011

Making Lemonade from Outtakes

I always think the outtake reels are super funny at the end of movies or TV shows.  Especially in cartoons, since of course there is no sound guy holding up a boom (hilarious!).   

I have always liked the saying "When Life Hands You Lemons, Make Lemonade".  It reminds me to lighten up and look for the "silver lining".

Sooooo..... when my face looked like THIS:

in many of our attempts to take a family photo, I figured I may as well just make fun of myself.

Of course, when I had a decent smile, Clark was trying to channel James Bond or something:

or, Jane was hiding:

or preening or something:

Maybe I just had to go to the bathroom?

Or try to catch the escape baby:

Jane!  Wake UP!!

Self: stop talking!!

Clark: get back here!

All this to say, we really are much cuter than the camera gives us credit for.

And, sometimes we are all smiling at the same time.

Just not on this day.

Better luck to you, my friend,
Always smiling in Salinas :)


Team Hayes said...

Mmm. Lemonade. Clark looks so much like Blaine in that last picture! Wait until you see our Christmas card...I just ended up going with the one in which I looked the best, and the one in which none of us are looking at the camera. :)

Kat said...

The trick is to use the exact same pose, quickly snapping pictures. Then you can just cut and paste and move heads to that everyone is looking at the camera and smiling. ;o)

Tiffany Silva said...

Where are you?!?!??? I miss your blogs! Come back!

Amanda Evans said...

SO it looks like you are on blog hiatus like me. I just looked at my poor website, nothing since Nov!!! So sad. But life is too busy.