Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

The Wilsons 12-31-09
(that's me on the right, if you don't recognize that girl with the fluffy hair)


Yes, yes, I realize it is now the 12th of January. I just got to thinking that I would like to commit to "paper" some things I have been thinking about for myself. I am generally pretty selfish, so I do a lot of thinking about myself.

So, resolution #1 (no, this is not a top ten list) - be equally as selfish as I was in 2009. Or even more so.
Hear me out on this one. First, I think this is pretty realistic. Second, being selfish keeps me waking up at 5am to go workout: so I can look good. Third, I think that if I spend more time worried about doing stuff I like doing, I will obsess less about that same thing that Blaine doesn't like doing. Therefore, I will be happier, nicer, and a better wife. Does that make any sense? It might not, but in my head it totally does.

Resolution #2 - run another 1/2 marathon.
Saturday, August 14th, to be exact. The Salinas Valley Half Marathon. I know some peeps who are planners/coordinators/lucky volunteers. I am totally in. I guess that means I actually have to run more! Yikes! (but, in line with resolution #1 to be more selfish/look good).

Resolution #3 - complete the Dynamic Marriage class at church.
Be nicer. Learn how to be a better wife. Start using kind words. Act loving. Give compliments. Be appreciative. Remember stuff. Don't fold laundry when Blaine wants to go to sleep. Put the toothpaste lid on (just kidding on that one, folks. It just sounds soooo typical).

Well, I've never really written down a resolution before. I've already got three. Whew. Oh wait....

Resolution #4 - keep on scrapbooking.
I totally love the artsy/designing part. It makes me happy to re-live memories. I am taking a class online with Cousin P. I feel like I am a modern historian, a biographer, and like I am doing something good for Jane and my future grandkids to know what I am/was all about. This shouldn't be too hard, as I just did these three last night/today :)

P.S. all three of these scrapbook pages are about my dad. So, you might want to have a tissue handy. I'm just sayin'.

Ok. I think this list is doable. I mean, it's not like I'm really gonna cure cancer this year or anything. I'm really just going to keep being me.

A better, stronger, nicer me.

the future fabulous me


Patty said...

You mean the future MORE fabulous you! Because I think you are already pretty darn fabulous!!

robin said...

good stuff stacey. i wish i could be in salinas for the half! that would be awesome . . .

Kylie, since 1982 said...

Aw, I didn't see that one of jane and dad in the hospital when I was over looking at the others. I took that photo, I think.