Friday, January 7, 2011

I resolve to be better.

This ain't no top ten.

i really don't think I could manage to remember to improve in ten ways in this upcoming year. But I do resolve to....

1. Be Positive.

(isn't this POSITIVELY adorable?)

2. Show Compassion.

(it's kinda easy with this one)

3. Give Grace.
(cause I'm kinda a mess myself)

4. Listen.

(I won't even brag about this...)

So there you go. I essentially resolve to treat others the way I want to be treated. I will be positive, show compassion, give grace freely, and listen...

Do you have anything you want to share? I'm listening...

Getting better by the minute,
Stacey E. C. Wilson


robin said...

jane can write her name? JANE CAN WRITE HER NAME?!

i resolve to lose weight. bor-ing.

Jenny Plumb said...

THAT'S your idea of a mess???!! Girlfriend you should see MY workroom/office! I would say you're well on your way with that one. I would make a resolution for my space to look like that, but I know it would never ever ever I don't make one.

Amanda Evans said...

Photo of neatly organized scrapbook room is your idea of a mess? WHATEV!

And, seriously...Jane can write her name? Parker can't even identify all his letters (OK, that was harsh...he probably can, just has NO interest in it!)

Oh, and you resolve to listen? Good luck with that...I've heard it's hard for a Cheatham girl! :-)