Thursday, April 8, 2010

Keeping in with this week's Peeps theme...

(please note that the excellent photography in this post is copyrighted by Stacey Cheatham Wilson, thank you very much, and not stolen from any foodie website)

Can I get a 'what-what'?

Step One: Gather all your Peeps (the store was out of pink, bummer)

Step Two: Prep your generic box of Raley's Fine Foods Crispy Rice Cereal by opening it up and placing it by the stove.

Step Three: Melt your two tablespoons butter on medium heat. I usually use more, but this is seriously all we had in the house. Costco run tomorrow!

Step Four: Put all your peeps (at least 35 little critters) into the melting pot. Just as with Peepshi, ignore the silent screams of the poor little peeps.

Step Five: Look in that garbage and be amazed at the amount of peeps I will consume tomorrow when I eat all these peeps krispy treats by noon. Err.... ah... um, I mean not ME.... but perhaps the collective "you"?......

Step Six: try to keep both the burning sugar, as well as the mixing of colors, to a minimum by smooshing the peeps down within their own color group.

Step Seven: Add your Raley's Fine Foods Crispy Rice cereal to the melting pot (add as much as you want to keep it as marshmallowy as you like).

Step Eight: Now you can mix all those glorious colors together. This is the point that I really wished the store still had pink peeps. It would have made a less-puke-colored-and-more-rainbow-looking Peeps Krispy Treats.

Step Nine: Press the Peeps Krispy Treats into a greased (I had too use pam spray since I was out of butter) 13x9" pan. If it sticks, just lick your fingers. The reason is two-fold: one, the PKTs* won't stick to your fingers anymore; two, no one else can eat them since you essentially just licked the whole tray. Bonus!

Step Ten: Go into a diabetic coma from consuming more sugar than is humanly possible. Call your doctor.

*PKT = Peeps Krispy Treats, duh!


Team Hayes said...

I knew what PKT was wihtout the asterisk. :)


Not just a peep on top of a cupcake...look further. Puke-ariffic tastiness!

Mrs. Gray said...

This is just FABULOUS! Gotta love those peeps!

Sarah said...

That last sentence is why I love you! A whole tray of PKT to myself? A woman after my own heart.

Paula said...

I never would have thought of using Peeps. Great idea!

Amanda Evans said...

my fav part: "Gather all your Peeps", hahahahaha!